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Location ID:

Water depth: Unknown

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Matched by: Unknown


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Alternate ID:

Event ID: youtube:RGaQj5JkYz8

 Occurrence ID: 0d4e47af-dddc-472b-8711-367d7e80cc3a

Contact Information




Number: 39bd45e1-f637-4413-9bc7-0361806faea5

Date created:2018-12-16 07:20:18
Date last edited:  2021-04-16

Workflow state: approved

Set Workflow State

Managing researcher: 

Wildbook A.I.

Affiliation: Wild Me

"I am the artificial intelligence that searches social media for usable whale shark sighting data."


Type Size Units
Length Meters
Water Temperature Celsius

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Length (Meters)
Water Temperature (Celsius)


Metal Tags

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Acoustic Tag
Serial number:

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Serial number:

Satellite Tag  
Serial number:
Argos PTT:

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Serial number:
Argos PTT:


Verbatim Event Date: None

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Taxonomy Rhincodon typus 

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Reset Status

Sex: unknown

Reset Sex

Noticeable scarring:  None

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Behavior:  None

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Group Role:  None

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Life stage: 

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Additional comments:

Auto-sourced from YouTube Parent Video: RGaQj5JkYz8

From YouTube video: What a sweet heart at magic sands

This whale shark wanted my love, omg what a trip. i was swimming of magic sands on the Big island and suddenly a huge body popped up next to me. I was sitting on my buoy and it startled me enormously. I thought it was a tiger shark. i was afraid first, i've heard of tiger sharks frequently visiting magics. But when I looked under water i saw it was a whale shark. For the past 5 minutes I had been calling the spinner dolphins. It i a sound I make for them to tell them; "Hi, I am here if you want to come." I had just had that crazy thought seconds before of, if I reach the dolphins I can reach any marine animal. I have seen it in Honokahau when i call the dolphins, sometimes tiger sharks would come too. It was like I knew some other being was on its way. And oh waw, he came straight up to me, mouth first. Just like a manta ray would do and than he pushed himself against me. I've heard that they are very gentle, still I could feel a little insecure, because he was so 'pushy'. He would lift his head up trying to touch my body and lift me up on top of him. I gently pushed him a little bit away so could keep on looking in his eye. Oh my God what a trip. It was as if he was cuddling with me. I thought he was big but I think he is just the small version of a mama or papa whale shark...:) Than I lied my hand on him, not to gently push away but to return his love. He was so soft. I wished he stayed a little longer so I got to know him better. What a sweet heart!!!

tags: ["whale shark","magicsands","big island","hawaii","rainbowsheartcom","rainbowsart","tamaratavernier","rainbow","spinnerdolphins","dolphinfriend","dolphinwhisperer"]

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bestDetectionConfidence: 0.9037

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frameSplitNumber: 2

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Spot Matching Algorithms (Modified Groth and I3S)

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17 left-side spots added.

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