I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a right-side scan of encounter 16122007221951.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Thu Jan 06 01:32:44 UTC 2022

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
H-049 Link 0.2825
Link 0.7482
A-136 Link 0.7744
TZ-182 Link 0.8829
Link 0.9137
MXA-863 Link 1.0177
A-593 Link 1.1382
P-1281 Link 1.1470
MXA-589 Link 1.2975
Link 1.3179
A-093 Link 1.5788
A-271 Link 1.6299
MX-700 Link 1.6305
A-666 Link 1.7983
A-093 Link 1.8179
MXA-1162 Link 1.8302
SHA-281 Link 1.8924
P-1172 Link 1.9371
DJ-076 Link 1.9496
AZ-004 Link 1.9752
P-799 Link 1.9902