I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter 5f521aa4-7fc2-441a-b952-c9f902ffdd75.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Wed May 03 05:39:34 UTC 2023

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
MZ-626 Link 0.1291
G-351 Link 0.6027
MXA-583 Link 0.6775
MXA-375 Link 0.7777
MZ-356 Link 0.8161
MXA-061 Link 0.9561
Link 0.9601
P-038 Link 0.9713
A-230 Link 0.9841
Q-092 Link 0.9879
TZ-064 Link 1.0495
MXA-444 Link 1.0768
P-184 Link 1.0867
MXA-1213 Link 1.1073
UAE-014 Link 1.1370
A-1308 Link 1.1454
MXA-039 Link 1.1574
A-348 Link 1.3130
A-611 Link 1.4028
ID-008 Link 1.4215
A-524 Link 1.4514
A-978 Link 1.4587
A-808 Link 1.5009
H-049 Link 1.5413
A-781 Link 1.5433
A-889 Link 1.5790
A-1806 Link 1.5837
P-1300 Link 1.6184
P-071 Link 1.6450
Link 1.6699
A-108 Link 1.7287
MXA-015 Link 1.7432
MXA-153 Link 1.8418
S-166 Link 1.8640
MXA-675 Link 1.8664
Link 1.9621