I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter 6a8e996b-8ef2-41ed-a6de-cf19d6845729.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Thu Nov 18 14:38:27 UTC 2021

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
H-066 Link 0.2851
P-236 Link 0.3134
A-614 Link 0.3666
P-355 Link 0.3798
A-885 Link 0.3834
A-1151 Link 0.3978
M-139 Link 0.4339
A-745 Link 0.4390
MD-387 Link 0.4408
A-333 Link 0.4741
A-455 Link 0.4839
Link 0.4863
A-529 Link 0.4971
MZ-074 Link 0.5107
MXA-444 Link 0.5154
P-189 Link 0.5189
A-328 Link 0.5397
A-059 Link 0.5443
A-917 Link 0.5492
A-013 Link 0.5786
Link 0.5972
G-308 Link 0.6076
TZ-024 Link 0.6099
P-1018 Link 0.6144
A-1712 Link 0.6174
MXA-1018 Link 0.6235
P-059 Link 0.6288
MXA-127 Link 0.6291
A-1124 Link 0.6869
A-462 Link 0.6880
RN-002 Link 0.7029
DJ-175 Link 0.7098
A-035 Link 0.7209
ID-043 Link 0.7321
A-1455 Link 0.7479
P-958 Link 0.7510
P-587 Link 0.7533
A-027 Link 0.7575
Link 0.8266