I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter 6ddc2ba2-b6af-4e8a-969c-568b949d3803.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Tue Jan 04 22:37:02 UTC 2022

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
MX-078 Link 0.4030
MD-365 Link 0.4340
A-1025 Link 0.4859
P-1508 Link 0.5480
MXA-566 Link 0.5534
T-195 Link 0.6726
MD-188 Link 0.7153
A-833 Link 0.9057
MX-1043 Link 1.1444
A-404 Link 1.1722
A-927 Link 1.2942
P-236 Link 1.3179
G-128 Link 1.3333
ID-225 Link 1.3898
A-125 Link 1.4294
ID-287 Link 1.4875
A-404 Link 1.4944
A-629 Link 1.5387
MXA-233 Link 1.5522
H-019 Link 1.5707
A-676 Link 1.6124
Link 1.6127
GC-078 Link 1.6303
MXA-522 Link 1.7577
A-777 Link 1.7596
MX-513 Link 1.7648
MZ-540 Link 1.8120
TZ-180 Link 1.8202
P-879 Link 1.8238
SHA-145 Link 1.8300
A-1111 Link 1.8526
A-609 Link 1.9124
MXA-052 Link 1.9738
AZ-186 Link 1.9829