I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter 9e99b72b-fc05-40b9-9873-d2b7bd603479.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Fri Apr 28 03:15:31 UTC 2023

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
P-059 Link 0.2765
TZ-214 Link 0.3892
A-244 Link 0.5658
DJ-207 Link 0.5877
TZ-194 Link 0.6034
P-110 Link 0.6137
SHA-195 Link 0.6386
A-611 Link 0.8411
P-974 Link 0.8671
A-811 Link 0.9740
A-1001 Link 0.9933
Q-479 Link 1.0092
MXA-430 Link 1.0304
MXA-587 Link 1.0622
MXA-229 Link 1.1355
6c8b17c5-6636-4963-bf58-3b82baa7881e Link 1.1876
MZ-567 Link 1.1950
A-610 Link 1.2732
MX-1219 Link 1.2734
MZ-206 Link 1.3387
A-136 Link 1.3499
DJ-052 Link 1.3627
Link 1.4286
A-451 Link 1.4967
A-060 Link 1.5814
A-788 Link 1.6355
A-418 Link 1.6522
A-647 Link 1.7612
A-579 Link 1.7903
MXA-354 Link 1.8122
DJ-304 Link 1.8488
M-098 Link 1.8589
T-070 Link 1.9043
MZ-799 Link 1.9103
A-475 Link 1.9374
A-621 Link 1.9575
A-1277 Link 1.9641