I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter ae7d84af-2787-416d-85e1-8b73886fddde.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Mon Apr 26 19:12:10 UTC 2021

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
Q-212 Link 0.1880
A-528 Link 0.4518
A-978 Link 0.5350
A-225 Link 0.5461
P-164 Link 0.6788
TZ-123 Link 0.7446
P-1899 Link 0.9926
MX-434 Link 1.0333
P-1728 Link 1.0335
TZ-045 Link 1.0350
MXA-555 Link 1.0636
MX-079 Link 1.1781
MZ-096 Link 1.2370
AZ-085 Link 1.2969
A-687 Link 1.3502
MD-162 Link 1.4405
MZ-263 Link 1.4739
MZ-242 Link 1.4758
SHA-265 Link 1.5050
MX-591 Link 1.5051
A-1477 Link 1.5176
A-317 Link 1.6255
MXA-153 Link 1.6464
MXA-309 Link 1.6514
SHA-140 Link 1.6950
MXA-1014 Link 1.7213
MZ-224 Link 1.7995
MXA-113 Link 1.8457
A-041 Link 1.8601
A-1096 Link 1.9761