I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter b3da4a38-cde7-4a4e-a75c-583574d9c7e7.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Mon Oct 24 02:07:06 UTC 2022

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
G-230 Link 0.1472
MXA-121 Link 0.6980
Link 0.7384
MX-1257 Link 0.8485
MD-245 Link 0.9793
MX-912 Link 1.1493
A-614 Link 1.2650
MXA-013 Link 1.3068
OM-008 Link 1.3190
H-027 Link 1.3621
MXA-420 Link 1.3976
MX-102 Link 1.4892
H-060 Link 1.5126
MX-998 Link 1.5383
Link 1.5714
MZ-136 Link 1.6242
TZ-154 Link 1.6414
MXA-334 Link 1.7177
MXA-419 Link 1.7243
PR-027 Link 1.7315
A-995 Link 1.8263
A-1316 Link 1.9414
MXA-301 Link 1.9759