I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter bdb1dce3-ef1f-46c5-a890-9b5306f4f6f4.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Mon Apr 26 19:18:56 UTC 2021

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
P-1902 Link 0.5036
TZ-030 Link 0.5833
MXA-718 Link 0.8551
A-1112 Link 0.8971
TZ-070 Link 0.9247
P-1548 Link 1.0283
MX-598 Link 1.1325
A-119 Link 1.1417
SHA-254 Link 1.2247
A-860 Link 1.2263
A-506 Link 1.2441
A-500 Link 1.4803
MXA-262 Link 1.5414
Q-267 Link 1.8016
MZ-105 Link 1.8766
TZ-075 Link 1.9483
A-468 Link 1.9512
TZ-177 Link 1.9612