I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter f368a2f2-a0fb-4ae2-93d6-a4fc0bd31eb6.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Fri Nov 18 18:44:21 UTC 2022

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
G-048 Link 0.2612
MXA-274 Link 0.4404
A-958 Link 0.5366
MXA-178 Link 0.5753
DJ-671 Link 0.5805
MZ-186 Link 0.7466
MX-105 Link 0.8509
P-161 Link 0.8559
A-146 Link 0.8930
A-1602 Link 0.9217
TZ-065 Link 0.9219
A-1246 Link 0.9559
TZ-135 Link 0.9817
Link 0.9916
SHA-014 Link 1.0132
MZ-358 Link 1.0145
SHA-043 Link 1.0157
MXA-107 Link 1.0609
P-215 Link 1.0633
MXA-490 Link 1.0964
P-612 Link 1.1549
MZ-013 Link 1.1608
TZ-135 Link 1.1774
A-535 Link 1.2052
A-169 Link 1.2095
R-299 Link 1.2104
TZ-135 Link 1.2121
MX-597 Link 1.2124
A-003 Link 1.2276
TZ-135 Link 1.2278
MXA-130 Link 1.2497
P-818 Link 1.2639