I3S Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the best match values using the I3S algorithm against a left-side scan of encounter f8dd0adc-4b7c-41cc-983b-1c7a60a6d750.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Mon May 08 03:19:07 UTC 2023

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Shark Encounter Match Score
A-013 Link 0.1747
P-073 Link 0.4156
A-579 Link 0.4301
MXA-700 Link 0.5012
P-382 Link 0.5179
A-221 Link 0.5807
MX-3203 Link 0.6111
DJ-449 Link 0.7725
A-081 Link 0.7860
A-815 Link 0.8788
T-195 Link 0.8934
Link 0.9101
P-096 Link 1.0178
MXA-699 Link 1.1850
MXA-803 Link 1.2159
H-021 Link 1.2806
A-1196 Link 1.4044
Link 1.4098
A-322 Link 1.4602
A-901 Link 1.5143
TZ-027 Link 1.5492
P-058 Link 1.5807
G-173 Link 1.6126
Link 1.6358
MD-176 Link 1.6734
TZ-169 Link 1.7048
P-1404 Link 1.8182
Link 1.8192
G-729 Link 1.8430
A-733 Link 1.9586