Modified Groth Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the highest match values against a left-side scan of encounter MP11JAN27UNL007.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Tue Jun 14 08:41:55 UTC 2016

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Individual ID Encounter Fraction Matched Triangles Match Score logM std. dev. Confidence Matched Keywords
L0002 Link 0.291 183.82 0.03925 High
L0002 Link 0.152 154.30 0.14739 High
L0002 Link 0.152 154.30 0.12165 High
L0002 Link 0.140 130.85 0.26004 High
L0002 Link 0.135 83.535 0.09467 Moderate
L0002 Link 0.176 80.927 0.07273 Moderate
L0002 Link 0.091 55.990 0.3046 Moderate
L0002 Link 0.133 53.653 0.17248 Moderate
L0002 Link 0.060 24.275 0.36348 Low
L0002 Link 0.073 13.958 0.02142 Low
L0221 Link 0.095 10.993 0.34803 Low
L0238 Link 0.030 6.0386 0.29913 Low
Link 0.024 3.9619 0.35012 Low
Link 0.071 3.3776 0.38653 Low
L0273 Link 0.020 2.7922 0.37044 Low
Link 0.019 2.6304 0.37573 Low
L0002 Link 0.019 2.3967 0.37633 Low
L0267 Link 0.028 2.3805 0.25438 Low
Link 0.023 2.3299 0.38009 Low
L0002 Link 0.018 2.3212 0.37504 Low

Standard Scan

For this scan, the following variables were used: