Modified Groth Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the highest match values against a left-side scan of encounter MP14AUG10MNL027.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Mon Jun 27 08:04:56 UTC 2016

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Individual ID Encounter Fraction Matched Triangles Match Score logM std. dev. Confidence Matched Keywords
Link 0.302 1583.8 0.07651 High
Link 0.351 856.40 0.07637 High
Link 0.201 393.63 0.04892 High
Link 0.259 358.64 0.05246 High
Link 0.152 305.56 0.12664 High
Link 0.163 285.50 0.09772 High
Link 0.172 73.757 0.10308 Moderate
Link 0.053 24.944 0.18229 Low
Link 0.030 17.498 0.18476 Low
L0136 Link 0.029 7.6116 0.24856 Low
L0265 Link 0.026 6.8298 0.3201 Low
L0272 Link 0.030 5.6476 0.32704 Low
Link 0.033 5.2205 0.41017 Low
L0423 Link 0.092 4.1666 0.15316 Low
L0352 Link 0.044 3.5975 0.23779 Low
Link 0.056 3.1217 0.39178 Low
L0250 Link 0.024 2.7180 0.3373 Low
L0281 Link 0.015 2.5773 0.47108 Low
Link 0.016 2.4953 0.17189 Low
L0051 Link 0.037 2.2884 0.38142 Low
L0141 Link 0.031 2.1591 0.28582 Low

Standard Scan

For this scan, the following variables were used: