Modified Groth Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the highest match values against a left-side scan of encounter MP14FEB02UNL024.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Mon Jun 27 08:32:28 UTC 2016

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Individual ID Encounter Fraction Matched Triangles Match Score logM std. dev. Confidence Matched Keywords
Link 0.382 2842.0 0.03495 High
Link 0.444 2676.4 0.0638 High
Link 0.353 2212.6 0.02683 High
L0944 Link 0.127 317.39 0.15599 High
Link 0.088 127.69 0.06144 High
L0944 Link 0.093 115.47 0.15474 High
L0944 Link 0.074 98.407 0.33426 Moderate
Link 0.048 54.249 0.10597 Moderate
L0944 Link 0.039 29.877 0.26858 Low
L0944 Link 0.037 12.667 0.15165 Low
L0254 Link 0.025 5.7376 0.42425 Low
Link 0.049 5.0553 0.3469 Low
Link 0.045 5.0228 0.51706 Low
L0267 Link 0.028 4.3603 0.36202 Low
Link 0.023 3.4915 0.37641 Low
L0648 Link 0.023 3.4353 0.03781 Low
L0280 Link 0.017 3.3806 0.45063 Low
Link 0.048 3.1982 0.33519 Low
L0002 Link 0.030 2.7493 0.44378 Low
L0002 Link 0.027 2.7338 0.45697 Low
L0231 Link 0.019 2.6358 0.41229 Low
L0019 Link 0.020 2.4735 0.48443 Low
L0270 Link 0.025 2.2356 0.43858 Low
Link 0.016 2.1289 0.42686 Low
Link 0.049 2.0704 0.54883 Low
Link 0.022 2.0222 0.44783 Low

Standard Scan

For this scan, the following variables were used: