Modified Groth Scan Results

The following encounter(s) received the highest match values against a left-side scan of encounter MP14MAY10MML015.

 Saved scan data may be old and invalid. Check the date below and run a fresh scan for the latest results.

Date of scan: Wed Jun 29 07:10:34 UTC 2016

See the table below for score breakdowns.

Individual ID Encounter Fraction Matched Triangles Match Score logM std. dev. Confidence Matched Keywords
L0946 Link 0.333 770.00 0.0661 High
L0946 Link 0.281 765.31 0.08299 High
L0946 Link 0.245 641.18 0.0578 High
Link 0.258 575.65 0.06731 High
L0946 Link 0.223 531.73 0.07038 High
L0946 Link 0.205 327.79 0.06652 High
L0946 Link 0.174 324.03 0.04535 High
Link 0.233 320.48 0.0659 High
L0946 Link 0.154 127.24 0.08245 High
L0946 Link 0.097 100.00 0.19345 Moderate
Link 0.083 74.670 0.1982 Moderate
L0946 Link 0.081 16.343 0.20507 Low
Link 0.026 7.6569 0.21829 Low
L0933 Link 0.019 3.9616 0.37163 Low
L0929 Link 0.017 3.3318 0.36071 Low
L0233 Link 0.031 2.9269 0.35997 Low
L0898 Link 0.022 2.5985 0.25735 Low
L0367 Link 0.021 2.3069 0.26213 Low

Standard Scan

For this scan, the following variables were used: